輕流動瑜伽/ Slow Vinyasa Yoga
All Levels
輕流動瑜珈 Slow Vinyasa Yoga - All Levels 課程內容: 輕流動的特色著重呼吸與動作結合,以和緩、流暢的速度進行體位的串連,並加入適度的伸展。 體位法的編排由淺入深,由較為緩和、簡單的體位法進行暖身,逐漸將呼吸與身體動作融合並集中注意力,再進行一連串的練習。 The slower flow will focus on the combination of breathing and movement, a series of poses that are performed at a gentle and smooth speed, with added moderate stretching. The asanas are arranged from shallow to deep, starting with gentle and simple asanas for warming up, gradually integrating breathing and body movements and concentration, and then performing a series of exercises. 🎈須知 Notes: 1. 我們有提供瑜伽墊,水、麻煩自備毛巾。 We provide yoga mats and water, please bring your own towels. 3. 麻煩提早10分鐘到場 Please arrive 10 minutes early 4. 如果想取消課程需4小時前 If you want to cancel the class, you must do so 4hours before class starts 5. 如因不可抗拒原因(天氣不佳、染疫等等...)無法上課,可更改日期或全額退費。 If you are unable to attend classes due to reasons out of your control (bad weather, sickness, etc...), you can change the date or get a full refund. 6 . 我們的聯絡電話:0958080066 Our contact number: 0958080066
No. 8-16號, Hengbei Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946