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基礎瑜伽 (線上) / Intro to Yoga (Online)
Level 1
1 小時1 小Hengbei Road
300 新台幣
基礎瑜伽 Intro to Yoga - Level 1 此課程非常適合瑜珈初學者,會仔細講解各種體位法,以及如何安全地進行動作,必要時使用輔具,避免練習時因太快或太難的動作,造成不必要的傷害與心理上的壓力。透過這種練習讓你慢慢地了解你的身體與瑜伽。 This course is very suitable for yoga beginners. It will explain various asanas in detail and how to perform movements safely. Use auxiliary equipment when necessary to avoid unnecessary injuries and psychological pressure caused by too fast or too difficult movements during practice. This practice allows you to slowly understand your body and the yoga practice .
No. 8-16號, Hengbei Rd, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan 946
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